Subject: F2H-2 Banshee, VF-11 “Red Rippers”

Kit: Sword

Scale: 1/72nd

Decals: Kit Decals

Builder: Bert Kinzey


This model was built for a review in our digital publication, F2H Banshee in Detail & Scale, Part 1, Prototypes Through F2H-2 Variants.  A very extensive review of the kit appears in the Modelers Section of that e-book.  It covers all of the many problems encountered during the build of the kit and offers suggestions as to how to deal with and correct them.

The model is a very difficult and tedious build.  It suffers from very poor instructions that show some parts going in the wrong places, and in other cases not clearly showing how the parts are to be assembled.  Some parts do not fit properly, and much reworking is required in the cockpit and on the main landing gear assemblies to achieve acceptable results. 

However, the kit is accurate and well detailed, and if the modeler exercises caution, makes the necessary corrections, and solves the fit problems, the results can be an excellent model.

Our review model was built basically from the box except that Airfix rockets were used in place of the ones in the kit, and the missing fuel vent was made from scrap plastic and added in its proper location.  Kit decals were used, but they were supplemented with Detail & Scale decals for the bombs and rockets.
