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Scale Modeling Reviews!
Scale Modeling Reviews!
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This Review Area in our Scale Modeling Section contains reviews of kits and other scale modeling-related items, including decal sheets, aftermarket details, and books. Haagen Klaus, Detail & Scale’s Scale Modeling News and Review Editor, has been charge of this section since its launch in 2016, working with the other members of our team to create the reviews included here. Haagen is an author and photographer with Detail & Scale as well as a scale model builder with over thirty-five years of experience. Today he is an active member of IPMS/Northern Virginia. He has won awards for his work from local to national competitions and serves as a volunteer at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Air and Space Museum, assisting in the preservation of their scale model collection.
Our Review section is divided into four areas: (1) aircraft kits; (2) aftermarket products (detail parts ranging from cockpits to engines, ordnance and other external stores, landing gear, and even figures and ground equipment); (3) decal sheets and masking sets, and (4); scale modeling and aviation-related books. All reviews strive to feature the type of reviews that Detail & Scale became famous for over a period of more than thirty-five years in our Detail & Scale Series of publications. They are objective, detailed, and concise. As an added benefit on this website, there are no space limitations. Many more photographs of the item being reviewed are included than is possible in our digital or printed publications.
Check back regularly for new reviews and watch our Facebook pages for frequent announcements of new material and breaking scale modeling news.
Kit Reviews

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Aftermarket Products:

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Decals & Masks Sets:

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Book Reviews:

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